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The high performance of the aerospace industry, in both technical and economic aspects, is due in part to its control over the supply chain and its quality throughout the value chain (from the buyer to the SME providers). For GIFAS, it is imperative to continue in this way to keep the industry competitive.
Our vision
The aerospace industry has brought one of humanity's oldest dreams to life, a dream that seemed out of reach for so long : the ability to fly, to travel among the stars. Symbolizing freedom, discovery and travel, airplanes bring people together and foster cultural exchange.
Confronting climate change, designing quieter and more efficient airplanes, developing innovative satellites to observe the Earth's system: our sector is using its skills to their utmost to take action for the environment. Our two main objectives are to advance our technologies so that we can better observe our planet and to create sustainable air travel.
The French aerospace sector is a leader in Europe and in the world. GIFAS protects this number-one status that enables our country and its industry to assert itself on the international stage. The development of our industry has been possible thanks to a constant dialogue with our international partners.
Témoignage d'Elixir Aircraft, adhérent au GIFAS
Suite au Conseil du 7 octobre 2021, le GIFAS a accueilli Elixir Aircraft. Découvrez le témoignage de son Président. " Elixir Aircraft, entreprise rochelaise de 60 salariés, a été créé en 2015 afin de répondre aux enjeux de l'aviation légère : réaliser des appareils plus sûrs, plus économes et plus polyvalents .
Careers & Training
The member companies of GIFAS employ 195,000 people in their aerospace activities in France. These figures do not include temporary workers or the total number of suppliers and subcontractors; this field is estimated to be responsible for 350,000 jobs in France. Our sector is constantly in demand.
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Our history
For over 110 years, men and women have rallied around one project: organizing, cooperating and innovating in order to create, develop and promote the French aerospace industry. GIFAS owes its existence to a shared vision that dates back to the beginning of aerospace. France has been a standout figure in aerospace since the first flights.
Our Mission
With more than a hundred years of history credentials , the French aerospace industry is designing and building the future. GIFAS supports all industry players so that they can reach their fullest potential. GIFAS is the structure that represents the French aerospace sector. Shared interests inspire our mission to support each and every one of our members.
Depuis plus d'un an, l'avion apporte une aide indispensable aux populations qui luttent contre la COVID-19 à travers le monde. Bientôt, chacun pourra à nouve...
Member Directory
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The aerospace sector is a leader in innovation. Our systems are rich in technology and reveal the creativity of the many players in our sector. To maintain this level of excellence, the aerospace industry remains dedicated to collaborative innovation based on ongoing cooperation between private and public actors.
Présentation de STAR : projet de transformation numérique du GIFAS - 2020
Découvrez le projet de transformation numérique du GIFAS, Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales : STAR.Il repose sur 4 piliers : - ...
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The French Aerospace Industries Association (GIFAS) was created in 1908. It is an industry body that brings together more than 400 companies ranging from the main prime contractors and system suppliers to SMEs. They form a cohesive, hard-driving high-technology sector specializing in the design, development and construction, marketing and maintenance of all aeronautical and space programmes and equipment, both civilian and military planes and defence and security systems.
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