
See us at Paris Air Show 2025 · Booth: 3-B136
Mississippi is home to world-class aerospace research, development, testing and evaluation facilities, which anchor a robust private innovation ecosystem. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, NASA's largest rocket propulsion test facility, houses more than 40 public and private organizations, employs 5,200 workers and directly contributes more than $650M to South Mississippi's economy. Combine these assets with an impressive portfolio of resources and advantages, like the state’s Aerospace Initiative Incentives Program and its proximity to major military installations, and leaders in this vital sector soar above and beyond the competition in Mississippi. Discover why Mississippi Works at WWW.MISSISSIPPI.ORG.
Products & Services: Economic Development / Available Sites and buildings / Business incentives / Workforce / Workforce training / Infrastructure grants and loans / Tax Incentives / Paris Air Show / SME Resources
Products & Services: Economic Development / Available Sites and buildings / Business incentives / Workforce / Workforce training / Infrastructure grants and loans / Tax Incentives / Paris Air Show / SME Resources
Jackson, Mississippi, United States
Aerospace, Defense & Security
Products & Services
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Products & Services
Assure - THE FAA's Center of Excellence for UAS Research
State of Mississippi, USA
ASSURE is comprised of 24 of the world's leading research institutions and more than a hundred leading industry and government partners. ASSURE members are core to three FAA UAS test sites, lead four FAA research centers, have seven airfields and a 340 UAS fleet - 24 more UAS than the USAF.
Aerospace and Defense | Mighty Mississippi
State of Mississippi, USA
For six decades, NASA's Stennis Space Center - located on the Mississippi Gulf Coast - has played a pivotal role in our nation's aerospace and defense industry. With its state-of-the-art rocket and jet engine testing facilities and research institutions, Stennis maintains one of the greatest concentrations of aerospace and defense personnel in the country.
Aerospace in Mississippi
State of Mississippi, USA
Mississippi is home to many of the world's best aviation and aerospace companies. Why? Because a Mississippi location offers many advantages. Find out what w...
How Global Investment is Growing Mississippi's Economy
State of Mississippi, USA
International companies in Mississippi employ 45,500 U.S. workers. Approximately 16,700 of those jobs are in the manufacturing sector. With 448 international companies in the Magnolia State, global investment grows Mississippi's economy. Discover how global investment is growing Mississippi's economy and providing high-quality jobs in local communities. Download PDF
Aerospace in Mississippi
State of Mississippi, USA
Mississippi is home to many of the world's best aviation and aerospace companies. Why? Because a Mississippi location offers many advantages. Find out what w...
Aeroacoustics - Economic Development
State of Mississippi, USA
Aero-acoustics Overview The University of Mississippi (UM) is committed to advancing cutting-edge research and applying it to solutions for specific problems. One such research field, aero-acoustics, is a growing area that has received renewed emphasis due to advances in air, ground and space transportation. UM is uniquely positioned with talent, facilities, and innovations to push [...]
Home | Raspet Flight Research Laboratory
State of Mississippi, USA
Our Mission Director's Welcome Our People Our Facilities Our History Work With Us Contact Us
Export From Mississippi | Mighty Mississippi
State of Mississippi, USA
In 2020, Mississippi exported $10.2 billion of American goods throughout the world. Additionally, the export of goods supported an estimated 51,000 jobs for in-state residents in 2016. If you ask us, that makes Mississippi a truly Mighty state for exports. Mississippi accomplishes this external trade success through its efficient regulatory government and quick access to major markets.
For International Business | Mighty Mississippi
State of Mississippi, USA
The Mississippi Development Authority works with international companies and arms them with the information and resources necessary to make sound business decisions. Major international companies like Nissan, Toyota, Continental Tire, and ABB call Mississippi home and for good reason - the state's low cost of doing business, gigabit internet, highly trained workforce, integrated transportation network and efficient regulatory environment help businesses stay competitive with low overhead costs.

Carolina Diaz Figueroa
State of Mississippi, USA
Managing Director

Chris Engels
State of Mississippi, USA

Coral Radican
State of Mississippi, USA
Marketing & Events Manager
Paris Air Show 2025

Dina Boucher
State of Mississippi, USA
Marketing & Events Manager

Laura Hipp
State of Mississippi, USA
Interim Director

Sara Doss
State of Mississippi, USA
Senior Project Manager

Tammy Dudley
State of Mississippi, USA
Paris Air Show 2025

William Cork
State of Mississippi, USA
Chief Economic Development Officer
Other Info
Mississippi Office of Homeland Security's Frier on International Homeland Defense & Security Summit
State of Mississippi, USA
Todd Frier, a public information officer with the Mississippi Office of Homeland Security, discusses the significance of the International Homeland Defense &...
Mississippi Port Authority's Daniels on How Port of Gulfport Supports DoD, Foreign Military Sales
State of Mississippi, USA
Jonathan Daniels, executive director and CEO of the Mississippi Port Authority at Gulfport, discusses the Port of Gulfport's role in supporting the US Defens...
Connect with us at
Mississippi is home to world-class aerospace research, development, testing and evaluation facilities, which anchor a robust private innovation ecosystem. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, NASA's largest rocket propulsion test facility, houses more than 40 public and private organizations, employs 5,200 workers and directly contributes more than $650M to South Mississippi's economy. Combine these assets with an impressive portfolio of resources and advantages, like the state’s Aerospace Initiative Incentives Program and its proximity to major military installations, and leaders in this vital sector soar above and beyond the competition in Mississippi. Discover why Mississippi Works at WWW.MISSISSIPPI.ORG.
Products & Services: Economic Development / Available Sites and buildings / Business incentives / Workforce / Workforce training / Infrastructure grants and loans / Tax Incentives / Paris Air Show / SME Resources
Products & Services: Economic Development / Available Sites and buildings / Business incentives / Workforce / Workforce training / Infrastructure grants and loans / Tax Incentives / Paris Air Show / SME Resources
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