See us at Perumin 2025 · Booth: 715
Cla-Val is a world-leading designer and manufacturer of automatic control valves. From reducing and relief valves to deluge, air valves and more, Cla-Val manufactures and provides a wide variety of solutions for use in some of the world’s most demanding applications.
Costa Mesa, California (CA), United States
Defense & Security, Mining
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Since 1936, Cla-Val has been a leading manufacturer of automatic control valves, serving customers throughout the world. Our commitment to excellence shows in each valve we manufacture and in the many new products we introduce each year.
Main industries served include Waterworks; High Rise Building Fire Protection; Offshore Fire Protection: Aviation Fueling; Marine; Mining and Industrial. Visit www.cla-val.com for a comprehensive product overview, a summary of our capabilities and services and access to hundreds of technical documents.
Main industries served include Waterworks; High Rise Building Fire Protection; Offshore Fire Protection: Aviation Fueling; Marine; Mining and Industrial. Visit www.cla-val.com for a comprehensive product overview, a summary of our capabilities and services and access to hundreds of technical documents.
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