HB SE is a listed space and technology Group domiciled in Bremen.
OHB SE is divided into three business segments: SPACE SYSTEMS, AEROSPACE and DIGITAL. The Group employs a workforce of more than 3,000 at 15 locations.
OHB System AG, OHB SE's largest subsidiary, headquartered in Bremen and with a second strong site in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich, has more than 40 years of experience in the development of high-tech solutions for space missions and other fields of application. Its portfolio of products and services ranges from the realisation of satellite systems for Earth observation, navigation, telecommunications, science and reconnaissance to the design and implementation of missions for space exploration and the development of equipment for human space flight. We.Create.Space.
OHB SE is divided into three business segments: SPACE SYSTEMS, AEROSPACE and DIGITAL. The Group employs a workforce of more than 3,000 at 15 locations.
OHB System AG, OHB SE's largest subsidiary, headquartered in Bremen and with a second strong site in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich, has more than 40 years of experience in the development of high-tech solutions for space missions and other fields of application. Its portfolio of products and services ranges from the realisation of satellite systems for Earth observation, navigation, telecommunications, science and reconnaissance to the design and implementation of missions for space exploration and the development of equipment for human space flight. We.Create.Space.
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