See us at Indo Defence 2024 · Booth: A 020
A company in Indonesia that has been established since 2005. We are providing armored defense equipment, security technology-system and military hardware developments. Our primary visions of is to become a Competitive, Competent, and Credible Company by Developing Excellent Innovations in Networking and Resources-improvements to create the best service for strategy operations.
Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Defense & Security
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Treat all stakeholders with respect and dignity.
Responsive and Proactive. Empowering and equipping people to achieve greatest value of life.
Passionate workmanship environment and supportive-care for all stakeholders.
Honesty, fairness, and transparency in our conduct and transactions.
Improving skills continuously, upgrading innovations and talents developments.
Enthusiasm and friendly work field for all.
Our credo is based on the true meaning of Indonesia's first foundation value. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity In Diversity). Richness in every enrichment.
We are here to enhance and provide the best solutions for Defense Ministry of Indonesia & National Army Forces of Indonesia with Worldwide network-resources, & partners. Further information reach us at www.ralikagroup.co.id or don`t be hesitate to let us know your needs & questions by email at contact@ralikagroup.co.id.
Kredo kami didasarkan pada makna sejati dari nilai dasar asas utama Indonesia, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Berbeda-beda tetap satu jua). Kekayaan dalam setiap Keberagaman kekayaan. Kami hadir untuk meningkatkan dan menyediakan solusi terbaik bagi Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia & Tentara Nasional Indonesia dengan menggunakan jaringan, sumber daya, dan mitra global. Informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi www.ralikagroup.co.id atau Anda dapat menyampaikan kebutuhan pertanyaan dengan menghubungi kami melalui email di contact@ralikagroup.co.id.
Treat all stakeholders with respect and dignity.
Responsive and Proactive. Empowering and equipping people to achieve greatest value of life.
Passionate workmanship environment and supportive-care for all stakeholders.
Honesty, fairness, and transparency in our conduct and transactions.
Improving skills continuously, upgrading innovations and talents developments.
Enthusiasm and friendly work field for all.
Our credo is based on the true meaning of Indonesia's first foundation value. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity In Diversity). Richness in every enrichment.
We are here to enhance and provide the best solutions for Defense Ministry of Indonesia & National Army Forces of Indonesia with Worldwide network-resources, & partners. Further information reach us at www.ralikagroup.co.id or don`t be hesitate to let us know your needs & questions by email at contact@ralikagroup.co.id.
Kredo kami didasarkan pada makna sejati dari nilai dasar asas utama Indonesia, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Berbeda-beda tetap satu jua). Kekayaan dalam setiap Keberagaman kekayaan. Kami hadir untuk meningkatkan dan menyediakan solusi terbaik bagi Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia & Tentara Nasional Indonesia dengan menggunakan jaringan, sumber daya, dan mitra global. Informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi www.ralikagroup.co.id atau Anda dapat menyampaikan kebutuhan pertanyaan dengan menghubungi kami melalui email di contact@ralikagroup.co.id.
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