See us at Indo Defence 2024 · Booth: D 262
CTS was founded in 2006 by two engineers who recognized a need among EOD technicians for safer and more effective tools.
Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Canada
Defense & Security
+1 514 630 0700
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CTS was founded in 2006 by two engineers who recognized a need among EOD technicians for safer and more effective tools. Their mission was to bring innovation to an industry that was in dire need of it. This goal was accomplished by forming friendships and collaborating with first responders around the world and listening carefully to them.
Today, the company has a vast network of agents, partners and technicians ready to meet the demands of its equipment users. The CTS team is proud of the work accomplished and firmly believes in the importance of its accomplishments.
Today, the company has a vast network of agents, partners and technicians ready to meet the demands of its equipment users. The CTS team is proud of the work accomplished and firmly believes in the importance of its accomplishments.
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