
Design, manufacture
trade of arms in small and middle calibers (NATO and non-standard)
Gun powder, ammo components, hunting, and sports articles, tooling; Engineering
More than 147 year of History
See us at Indo Defence 2024 · Booth: D 001
ARSENAL JSCo. has a structured Quality Management System applicable for design and production of armaments, ammunition and their components in accordance with the requirements of NATO Publication- AQAP 2110.
Kazanlak, Bulgaria
Defense & Security
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Rich and long-term experience, excellent management, highly skilled personnel, well equipped production lines, good feeling of the market, Customers’ thrust and recognition – all this combined is ARSENAL Co., Kazanlak - the biggest Company from the Bulgarian Defence Industry Association and a distinguished multi-functional infra-structural Company with a leading position in the National Economics and traditions in design, production, engineering and trade of military and civilian products.
ARSENAL Co. has more than a 146-year-long history. It was established in 1878 in the town of Rousse as the first factory meant to serve the newly created Bulgarian Army.
In 1924, due to some strategic considerations it was transferred to Kazanlak by law of the National Assembly, and was given the name of State Military Works for the production of cartridges and repair of all military equipment for the needs of the Army.
Nowadays, the activities of ARSENAL JSCo. are:
design, manufacturing and trade in small arms and artillery armaments, ammunition, primers, powders, charges, pyrotechnic products, hunting and sport weapons and ammunition, cemented carbide tools, tips and inserts, casting, forging etc.;
engineering activity.
Our Company performs an energetic innovation activity, as well as modernization of the military products.
Development, production and submission of the new and modernized articles are performed without termination of submission of the well-known articles.
The engineering activity of ARSENAL JSCo started in 1987. The Engineering Department performs transfer of know-how, helps a Customer to manufacture weapons and ammunition, installs workshops and tests equipment in the Customer`s country, trains its personnel, performs quality control and gives any necessary technical assistance.
During that period numerous Contracts have been concluded with companies all over the world for:
Factories for production of anti-aircraft systems, grenade launchers, ammunition, etc.;
Workshops for assembly of assault rifles, machine guns, ammunition for them, etc.;
Workshops for electroplating and heat treatment;
Workshops for forging-pressing processing;
Lines for electro-mechanical machining;
Lines for deep-hole drilling of work pieces;
Test ranges for small arms;
Workshops for production of special tooling, etc.
ARSENAL Co. has more than a 146-year-long history. It was established in 1878 in the town of Rousse as the first factory meant to serve the newly created Bulgarian Army.
In 1924, due to some strategic considerations it was transferred to Kazanlak by law of the National Assembly, and was given the name of State Military Works for the production of cartridges and repair of all military equipment for the needs of the Army.
Nowadays, the activities of ARSENAL JSCo. are:
design, manufacturing and trade in small arms and artillery armaments, ammunition, primers, powders, charges, pyrotechnic products, hunting and sport weapons and ammunition, cemented carbide tools, tips and inserts, casting, forging etc.;
engineering activity.
Our Company performs an energetic innovation activity, as well as modernization of the military products.
Development, production and submission of the new and modernized articles are performed without termination of submission of the well-known articles.
The engineering activity of ARSENAL JSCo started in 1987. The Engineering Department performs transfer of know-how, helps a Customer to manufacture weapons and ammunition, installs workshops and tests equipment in the Customer`s country, trains its personnel, performs quality control and gives any necessary technical assistance.
During that period numerous Contracts have been concluded with companies all over the world for:
Factories for production of anti-aircraft systems, grenade launchers, ammunition, etc.;
Workshops for assembly of assault rifles, machine guns, ammunition for them, etc.;
Workshops for electroplating and heat treatment;
Workshops for forging-pressing processing;
Lines for electro-mechanical machining;
Lines for deep-hole drilling of work pieces;
Test ranges for small arms;
Workshops for production of special tooling, etc.
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