See us at Indo Defence 2024 · Booth: FP 26-L
advanced business events (abe) currently employs 50 people in France (headquarters) and has a network of representatives in India, China, Italy, Vietnam, Japan, Mexico, Spain and the United States.
Bilancourt, France, France
Defense & Security
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abe - advanced business events is an acquired Adhesion Group and Business Conventions International (BCI) divisions, organizing events in the following sectors:
- Aeronautics - Space - Defense
- Automotive
- Transport & Mobility
- Chemistry - Pharmacy - Cosmetics
- Energy - Environment - Agriculture
- Industry - Technology
- Medical - Life sciences
- Packaging - Food processing
With more than 1,500 conferences, business to business events and congresses organized over the past 28 years, advanced business events has developed a unique expertise and know-how. Our multi-sector skills guarantee effective and high quality events.
advanced business events (abe) currently employs 50 people in France (headquarters) and has a network of representatives in India, China, Italy, Vietnam, Japan, Mexico, Spain and the United States.
TYPES OF EVENTS organized by abe:
+ Business Conventions
+ One-to-one meetings
+ Congresses
+ Professional shows
+ Learning expeditions
+ Speed Networking service
- Aeronautics - Space - Defense
- Automotive
- Transport & Mobility
- Chemistry - Pharmacy - Cosmetics
- Energy - Environment - Agriculture
- Industry - Technology
- Medical - Life sciences
- Packaging - Food processing
With more than 1,500 conferences, business to business events and congresses organized over the past 28 years, advanced business events has developed a unique expertise and know-how. Our multi-sector skills guarantee effective and high quality events.
advanced business events (abe) currently employs 50 people in France (headquarters) and has a network of representatives in India, China, Italy, Vietnam, Japan, Mexico, Spain and the United States.
TYPES OF EVENTS organized by abe:
+ Business Conventions
+ One-to-one meetings
+ Congresses
+ Professional shows
+ Learning expeditions
+ Speed Networking service
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