See us at Gastech 2025 · Booth: A90-16
The Whitehill hallmarks are high quality, engineered precision, and technically advanced ropes. These problem-solving products often involve developing new solutions for existing industries using our unique engineering experience with high-performance synthetic fibers.
Chester, Pennsylvania (PA), United States
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Founded July 10,1978 by Sim and Vicki Whitehill, Whitehill Manufacturing’s first project was to manufacture a custom designed aramid rope for Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Since then, we have designed tested and manufactured over 400 different rope constructions to meet the demanding requirements of our diverse customer base.
The Whitehill hallmarks are high quality, engineered precision, and technically advanced ropes. These problem-solving products often involve developing new solutions for existing industries using our unique engineering experience with high-performance synthetic fibers.
Whitehill’s competitive advantage is our experience with high-performance synthetic materials. Our staff has a synergy of technical intensity and flexibility, along with sage experience to provide our customers with innovative products that are practical and cost-effective. Whitehill has invented and reinvented high-performance rope with new fibers, new designs and new concepts supported with rigorous testing to meet the changing requirements of evolving applications.
The Whitehill hallmarks are high quality, engineered precision, and technically advanced ropes. These problem-solving products often involve developing new solutions for existing industries using our unique engineering experience with high-performance synthetic fibers.
Whitehill’s competitive advantage is our experience with high-performance synthetic materials. Our staff has a synergy of technical intensity and flexibility, along with sage experience to provide our customers with innovative products that are practical and cost-effective. Whitehill has invented and reinvented high-performance rope with new fibers, new designs and new concepts supported with rigorous testing to meet the changing requirements of evolving applications.
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