Kolonel Adm Deni Kusnadi S.I.P. M.M.
Staf Bidang Kerjasama Dan Pemasaran Timlak Kkip
Kolonel Adm Deni Kusnadi S.I.P. M.M.')>
Defense & Security
The Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) is a committee that represents the Government to coordinate national policies in planning, formulating, implementing, controlling, synchronizing, and evaluating the Defense Industry.
KKIP is based in the Capital City of the Republic of Indonesia (Jakarta), chaired by the President of the Republic of Indonesia and tasked with carrying out the function of formulating and evaluating policies regarding the development and utilization of the Defense Industry.
In carrying out his duties and functions, the Head of KKIP is assisted by the Minister of Defense as Head of Daily KKIP and the Minister of BUMN as Deputy Head of Daily KKIP. The membership of KKIP consists of 11 Ministers and Heads of Institutions, namely the Minister of Defense, the Minister of BUMN, the Minister of Industry, the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Communications and Informatics, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of National Development Planning / Ka Bappenas, the Minister of Foreign Affairs , Commander of the TNI and Chief of Police.
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2012 concerning the Defense Industry, KKIP has a vision of achieving independence in fulfilling the needs of defense and security equipment (alpalhankam), which is supported by an advanced Defense Industry and superior human resources, considering that the National Defense Industry is an integrated part of the strategic planning of national resource management for the interests of national defense and security.
KKIP is based in the Capital City of the Republic of Indonesia (Jakarta), chaired by the President of the Republic of Indonesia and tasked with carrying out the function of formulating and evaluating policies regarding the development and utilization of the Defense Industry.
In carrying out his duties and functions, the Head of KKIP is assisted by the Minister of Defense as Head of Daily KKIP and the Minister of BUMN as Deputy Head of Daily KKIP. The membership of KKIP consists of 11 Ministers and Heads of Institutions, namely the Minister of Defense, the Minister of BUMN, the Minister of Industry, the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Communications and Informatics, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of National Development Planning / Ka Bappenas, the Minister of Foreign Affairs , Commander of the TNI and Chief of Police.
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2012 concerning the Defense Industry, KKIP has a vision of achieving independence in fulfilling the needs of defense and security equipment (alpalhankam), which is supported by an advanced Defense Industry and superior human resources, considering that the National Defense Industry is an integrated part of the strategic planning of national resource management for the interests of national defense and security.

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