Keishi Hoshiba
Keishi Hoshiba')>
With SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation as our core operating company, the SKY Perfect JSAT Group leverages on our strengths from the hybrid of Space Business and Media Business.
As the leading satellite operator in the Asia-Pacific region, our Space Business offers a wide range of satellite communications and solution services covering the land, sea and beyond. In addition to our satcom services and aiming to broaden our business field, we have embarked on providing New-Space related services such as geospatial business by collecting and analyzing imagery data from low earth orbit satellites.
In our Media Business, we operate the "SKY PerfecTV!" multi-channel broadcasting TV platform, "SPOOX" video distribution service and also broadcasting services through internet and optical fiber lines in Japan to meet the viewers’ diverse needs. With a base of approx. 3 million subscribers, we focus on our customers’ lifestyles to further fulfill and enrich their lives through entertainment.

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