Aristio Yudhanto
Pranata Humas Ahli Muda (Subkoordinator Humas)
Aristio Yudhanto')>
Defense & Security
The National Counterterrorism Agency (abbreviated as BNPT) is a non-ministerial government agency (LPNK) that carries out government duties in the field of counterterrorism. In carrying out its duties and functions, BNPT is coordinated by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs. BNPT is led by a head who is under and responsible to the president. Initially, the position of the Head of BNPT was at echelon Ia level. However, since the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 12 of 2012 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 46 of 2010 concerning the Counterterrorism Agency, the position of the Head of BNPT has been raised to ministerial level.
BNPT was established based on Presidential Regulation Number 46 of 2010. Previously, the forerunner of this institution was the Counterterrorism Coordination Desk (DKPT).
BNPT was established based on Presidential Regulation Number 46 of 2010. Previously, the forerunner of this institution was the Counterterrorism Coordination Desk (DKPT).

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