Adept is a research and development firm with experience in both inorganic chemistry – particularly metal alloys and ceramic compounds – and organic biochemistry. Adept researches and develops the world’s most advanced body armor systems, and is pioneering the development of innovative materials and small-molecule therapeutics and ergogenics.
Military and security personnel operating in hostile or contested environments stake their lives on their armor. We understand that nothing is more important than the quality and performance of that armor, and, with a sense of deep responsibility to the people who trust us with their lives, we develop, test, and qualify all of our products above required standards. At the same time, we lead the field in the development and use of the most advanced armor materials, so that we can offer the best body armor plates in a way that doesn’t compromise mobility and isn’t unduly burdensome.
Military and security personnel operating in hostile or contested environments stake their lives on their armor. We understand that nothing is more important than the quality and performance of that armor, and, with a sense of deep responsibility to the people who trust us with their lives, we develop, test, and qualify all of our products above required standards. At the same time, we lead the field in the development and use of the most advanced armor materials, so that we can offer the best body armor plates in a way that doesn’t compromise mobility and isn’t unduly burdensome.
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