At Grupo EULEN we are a global benchmark and national leader in the provision of specialized services to companies, institutions and public administrations. We are specialists in the activities of Facility Services & Management, Cleaning, Security, Auxiliary Services, Comprehensive Maintenance, Environment, Social Health Services, and Global HR and Employment Solutions. Founded in 1962 in Bilbao, by its first President and Founder, Mr. David Álvarez Díez. We are currently present in 11 countries with a global workforce of more than 75,000 people. With more than 60 services on the market, specialization is one of our indisputable values. We are pioneers in the concept of outsourcing, we remain at the forefront thanks to our quality policies, backed by the ISO 9001/2000, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, UNE EN 1176 and EFQM Certifications. Likewise, at Grupo EULEN we are a signatory to the Global Compact and we are firmly committed to society through the development of responsible social policies: labour integration of disadvantaged groups, reconciliation of family and professional life for structural staff, sponsorship and patronage of culture and art, protection of the environment, etc.
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