Adnan Tareque
Regional Sales Manager APAC
Adnan Tareque')>
Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) is widely used for military operations. Competing demands for the radio spectrum means it's strictly coordinated and controlled. Battlespace spectrum management is the planning, coordination and management of EMS to allow military systems to perform their functions without causing or suffering from harmful interference. ATDI's flagship EW planning tool, HTZ Warfare, specialises in electromagnetic deconfliction.
Significant importance is placed on the performance of radio intercept receivers, direction finders and communications jamming equipment. Mission success often relies on the ability to intercept or jam enemy communications. And, to share information with the command structure without undue interference.
HTZ Warfare enables users to exploit spectrum-dependent systems, including communication links, electronic warfare sensors, radio jammers and radar detection. This radio propagation software solution is recognised around the globe by military, government and security organisations
Significant importance is placed on the performance of radio intercept receivers, direction finders and communications jamming equipment. Mission success often relies on the ability to intercept or jam enemy communications. And, to share information with the command structure without undue interference.
HTZ Warfare enables users to exploit spectrum-dependent systems, including communication links, electronic warfare sensors, radio jammers and radar detection. This radio propagation software solution is recognised around the globe by military, government and security organisations

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