Riskha Agustianingsih
Staff of dean FTDI Unsurya
Riskha Agustianingsih')>
Defense & Security
Marshal Suryadarma Aerospace University (UNSURYA) is a private university under the leadership of the Indonesian Air Force which is organized by the Adi Upaya Foundation (YASAU). UNSURYA is the only university in Jakarta that focuses on aerospace science.
Founded in 1988 with the name Suryadarma Institute of Aerospace Technology (ITD), then in 1989 it changed to Suryadarma College of Aerospace Technology (STTD), along with the development of the campus, in 1999 STTD changed to Suryadarma University.
In 2016, the words "Dirgantara" and "Marshal" were added to become "Marshal Suryadarma Aerospace University" to show its identity as a university that has unique characteristics in the aerospace field in accordance with its vision.
Currently UNSURYA has 4 (four) faculties, 11 study programs and 2 Special Training Programs, namely:
Marshal Suryadarma Aerospace University (UNSURYA) is a private university under the leadership of the Indonesian Air Force which is organized by the Adi Upaya Foundation (YASAU). UNSURYA is the only university in Jakarta that focuses on aerospace science.
Founded in 1988 with the name Suryadarma Institute of Aerospace Technology (ITD), then in 1989 it changed to Suryadarma College of Aerospace Technology (STTD), along with the development of the campus, in 1999 STTD changed to Suryadarma University.
In 2016, the words "Dirgantara" and "Marshal" were added to become "Marshal Suryadarma Aerospace University" to show its identity as a university that has unique characteristics in the aerospace field in accordance with its vision.
Currently UNSURYA has 4 (four) faculties, 11 study programs and 2 Special Training Programs, namely:

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