Levin Sliker
Levin Sliker')>
Point Designs was founded by researchers in the field of upper limb prosthetic design from the Biomechatronics Development Laboratory at the University of Colorado. Professors Richard Weir and Jacob Segil have decades of research experience spanning neural interfaces, myoelectric control algorithms, and upper limb prosthetic design.
Along with co-founders Dr. Levin Sliker and Stephen Huddle, the Point Designs team continues to advance the field of partial hand prosthetic design with expertise in additive manufacturing, mechanical design, and clinical care. We are a group of dedicated and passionate individuals working together to improve the lives of the people we serve.
Along with co-founders Dr. Levin Sliker and Stephen Huddle, the Point Designs team continues to advance the field of partial hand prosthetic design with expertise in additive manufacturing, mechanical design, and clinical care. We are a group of dedicated and passionate individuals working together to improve the lives of the people we serve.

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