Gregor Ritchie
UK BD Manager
Gregor Ritchie')>
A History of Innovation
When Leo Brenna founded Bren-Tronics in 1973, he set out to produce batteries that would deliver reliable power in both military and industrial applications where failure was not an option. From our start in primary batteries, we shifted our focus to secondary or rechargeable batteries in the 1980s. When Operation Desert Storm demonstrated that rechargeables were the answer to meeting the power needs of troops on the ground while reducing their logistics load, we helped lead the way in nickel-cadmium rechargeables.
From those early secondary batteries to today’s lithium-ion systems, we’ve succeeded in engineering solutions that deliver the staying power of primary cell batteries with the extreme reusability demanded by today’s military. We continue to innovate with lithium polymer chemistries and solutions tailored for use with solar cells and fuel cells.
More Reliable and Lower Cost
One of the main benefits of rechargeable batteries is lower cost compared with batteries that must be replaced frequently. We know that cost is key to the success of our products. Yet we also know that our customers cannot afford that lower cost if it comes at the expense of reduced reliability. Rather than designing our systems from the ground up to military specifications, we keep costs low by combining proven off-the-shelf technologies with our innovative solutions, and then ruggedizing our systems to meet mission requirements. The result is systems that out-perform at a lower cost, every time.
One-Stop Power Shop
Our staff of engineers works with our military and industrial customers to engineer solutions for every conceivable application. From research and development to comprehensive testing - including certification, first article, and UN Transportation Safety testing - all the way through manufacturing, we are your partners every step of the way in fielding your application quickly and cost-effectively.
When Leo Brenna founded Bren-Tronics in 1973, he set out to produce batteries that would deliver reliable power in both military and industrial applications where failure was not an option. From our start in primary batteries, we shifted our focus to secondary or rechargeable batteries in the 1980s. When Operation Desert Storm demonstrated that rechargeables were the answer to meeting the power needs of troops on the ground while reducing their logistics load, we helped lead the way in nickel-cadmium rechargeables.
From those early secondary batteries to today’s lithium-ion systems, we’ve succeeded in engineering solutions that deliver the staying power of primary cell batteries with the extreme reusability demanded by today’s military. We continue to innovate with lithium polymer chemistries and solutions tailored for use with solar cells and fuel cells.
More Reliable and Lower Cost
One of the main benefits of rechargeable batteries is lower cost compared with batteries that must be replaced frequently. We know that cost is key to the success of our products. Yet we also know that our customers cannot afford that lower cost if it comes at the expense of reduced reliability. Rather than designing our systems from the ground up to military specifications, we keep costs low by combining proven off-the-shelf technologies with our innovative solutions, and then ruggedizing our systems to meet mission requirements. The result is systems that out-perform at a lower cost, every time.
One-Stop Power Shop
Our staff of engineers works with our military and industrial customers to engineer solutions for every conceivable application. From research and development to comprehensive testing - including certification, first article, and UN Transportation Safety testing - all the way through manufacturing, we are your partners every step of the way in fielding your application quickly and cost-effectively.

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