Sinta Desmiati
Sales Executive
Sinta Desmiati')>
PT Kemenangan is a leading national manufacturing company established in Jakarta in 1954. We specialize in marine equipment product, such as Aids to Navigation, mooring equipment, and rubber product. PT Kemenangan also supplies geophysical and meteorological instruments.
Our manufacturing plant is located Cileungsi, Bogor. It is supported with engineering, production and R&D facilities to ensure we produce high quality products in accordance to International and Indonesian standards. We use only selected raw materials for our product. As a result of its effort to constantly improve quality, in 2001, PT Kemenangan has achieved international quality standard by obtaining certificate: ISO9001:1994 and IQ Net, issued by: KEMA Registered Quality, BV.
The ISO certificate has been renewed in 2017. The current certificate is ISO 9001: 2015, which is issued by: SAI Global Certification Pty Ltd.
In addition to maintaining and even improving product quality and service, PT Kemenangan also cares about health, safety and environment, achieving the following certificates issued also by: SAI Global – Certification Pty Ltd in 2009:
International Standard of Health and Safety, OHSAS 18001: 2007 with Certificate No: OHS20668
International Standard of Environmental Management System, ISO 14001: 2015 with Certificate No: CEM20992.
As a marine product manufacturing company, PT Kemenangan joins :
IALA (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities) as an Industrial Member since 1992. PT Kemenangan is the first and the only private company in Indonesia joining IALA.
PIANC (Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses), the world association for Waterbourne Transport Infrastructure, as an Industrial Member, since 2006
PT Kemenangan has been certified for and member of the following:
SNI (Indonesian National Standard), since 2001
KADIN ( Kamar Dagang dan Industri / Indonesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry), since 1980
AKN (Coating Certification)
Durability test PIANC 2002
TAC (Type Approval Certification)
Our manufacturing plant is located Cileungsi, Bogor. It is supported with engineering, production and R&D facilities to ensure we produce high quality products in accordance to International and Indonesian standards. We use only selected raw materials for our product. As a result of its effort to constantly improve quality, in 2001, PT Kemenangan has achieved international quality standard by obtaining certificate: ISO9001:1994 and IQ Net, issued by: KEMA Registered Quality, BV.
The ISO certificate has been renewed in 2017. The current certificate is ISO 9001: 2015, which is issued by: SAI Global Certification Pty Ltd.
In addition to maintaining and even improving product quality and service, PT Kemenangan also cares about health, safety and environment, achieving the following certificates issued also by: SAI Global – Certification Pty Ltd in 2009:
International Standard of Health and Safety, OHSAS 18001: 2007 with Certificate No: OHS20668
International Standard of Environmental Management System, ISO 14001: 2015 with Certificate No: CEM20992.
As a marine product manufacturing company, PT Kemenangan joins :
IALA (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities) as an Industrial Member since 1992. PT Kemenangan is the first and the only private company in Indonesia joining IALA.
PIANC (Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses), the world association for Waterbourne Transport Infrastructure, as an Industrial Member, since 2006
PT Kemenangan has been certified for and member of the following:
SNI (Indonesian National Standard), since 2001
KADIN ( Kamar Dagang dan Industri / Indonesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry), since 1980
AKN (Coating Certification)
Durability test PIANC 2002
TAC (Type Approval Certification)

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