Hyun Jun Lee
Hyun Jun Lee')>
"Motion Hitech is proud to serve as a strategic partner of Materion, a renowned specialist in advanced materials.
Since 1995, we have strategically supplied high-purity Beryllium, AlBeMet®, SiC+Al Alloy, and other advanced materials within the Korean market.
We refine and provides Materion's advanced materials through our specialized processing technology, and together, we will continue to strive for innovative growth in Korea's aerospace and defense industries."
Since 1995, we have strategically supplied high-purity Beryllium, AlBeMet®, SiC+Al Alloy, and other advanced materials within the Korean market.
We refine and provides Materion's advanced materials through our specialized processing technology, and together, we will continue to strive for innovative growth in Korea's aerospace and defense industries."

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