Darren Landsley
TitleAerospace Global Segment Marketing Leader
Darren Landsley')>
You strive to reduce weight, improve rates and increase efficiency, in production and in the aircraft itself. 3M can help. For more than 70 years, we have quietly, passionately worked with leading professionals to solve some of the greatest challenges in the aerospace industry. Our work has resulted in a wide-ranging portfolio of aircraft solutions – films, adhesives, sealants and surface protection to name a few. But it also makes us the most valuable asset you can have in aerospace: a reliable partner. One with a curious nature, and a willingness to push beyond the status quo. One that’s committed to helping you continually optimize costs throughout the entire cycle of aircraft design, production, and maintenance. And, as one of the world’s most ethical companies, 3M is equally committed to sustainable solutions that help you build and maintain the safest and most efficient aircraft in the world. Discover how 3M can partner with you.
Products & Services: Aircraft solutions – films, adhesives, sealants, and surface protection / Aircraft design, production and maintenance / Paris Air Show
Products & Services: Aircraft solutions – films, adhesives, sealants, and surface protection / Aircraft design, production and maintenance / Paris Air Show

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