ANPC is a global supplier of state-of-the-art Landing Systems, Navigation Services, and ATM Solutions for both commercial and military customers. ANPC’s core technology applies advanced data processing to transponder measurements taken from ground-based sensors to track an aircraft’s precise location in vertical position (elevation), horizontal position (azimuth), and range, with very high accuracy. This positioning information can be seamlessly integrated with radar and other data sources to provide complete airspace intelligence in any runway environment, as well as perimeter security and airborne threat mitigation, all on a single platform. Our mission is to deliver increased aviation safety, accessibility, and economic viability through innovation and integration of new technologies for precision navigation and surveillance.
Products & Services: Transponder Landing System / Transportable Transponder Landing system / Local Area Multilateration System
Products & Services: Transponder Landing System / Transportable Transponder Landing system / Local Area Multilateration System

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