Tektite Industries is a vertically-integrated manufacturing company specializing in the design and production of rugged, reliable outdoor, marine, security, and defense equipment. The company was founded in 1990 and has established itself as a leader in the industry, known for its innovative use of LED technology and its commitment to producing high-quality, reliable products.Tektite Industries has been a trusted partner in these industries for several decades, offering a wide range of high-quality strobes, signaling lights, knives, and flashlights.
Tektite Industries is also a company that is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Tektite's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its manufacturing processes. The company takes the complete product life cycle into consideration when designing its products, using 20% pre-consumer, industrial plastic scrap in its plastic components and recommending the use of zero-mercury US-made alkaline batteries. Its packaging is reusable or recyclable and contains recycled paper and plastics whenever possible. The company also practices energy conservation and recycling, using energy-efficient lighting and machinery controls and implementing single-stream recycling dumpsters, reduction of wastewater, landfill volume, and energy savings.
Tektite Industries is also a company that is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Tektite's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its manufacturing processes. The company takes the complete product life cycle into consideration when designing its products, using 20% pre-consumer, industrial plastic scrap in its plastic components and recommending the use of zero-mercury US-made alkaline batteries. Its packaging is reusable or recyclable and contains recycled paper and plastics whenever possible. The company also practices energy conservation and recycling, using energy-efficient lighting and machinery controls and implementing single-stream recycling dumpsters, reduction of wastewater, landfill volume, and energy savings.

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