Matt Westra
Sr. Dir. Military Programs
Matt Westra')>
At North American Rescue, our roots run deep and wide in the world of tactical medicine and rescue. Our business was built from the ground up on the vision and experience of seasoned military medics seeking to fill the equipment gaps commonly encountered in the field of operation. Since then, we have continued to broaden our vision to include other invaluable first responder perspectives such as prehospital healthcare providers in civilian law enforcement, emergency medical services, and community public safety initiatives. This first-hand reality fosters a unique insight into the extreme challenges and evolving requirements of tactical medicine and rescue for the entire prehospital team both on the battlefield and the homefront.
Products with a Mission® means we are driven by Tactical Combat Casualty Care guidelines, supported by Evidence-based Medicine and validated by Laboratory Tested - Combat Proven® history. From the point of wounding to the doors of the trauma center, NAR is your dedicated partner in life-saving medical gear and training designed to empower today’s Warfighter, First Responder and Prehospital Healthcare Provider with the mission critical solutions that increase survivability by reducing potentially preventable causes of death.
Products with a Mission® means we are driven by Tactical Combat Casualty Care guidelines, supported by Evidence-based Medicine and validated by Laboratory Tested - Combat Proven® history. From the point of wounding to the doors of the trauma center, NAR is your dedicated partner in life-saving medical gear and training designed to empower today’s Warfighter, First Responder and Prehospital Healthcare Provider with the mission critical solutions that increase survivability by reducing potentially preventable causes of death.

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