Hyeonji PARK
Hyeonji PARK')>
KIM Co. is a professional manufacturer which is specialized in precision driving parts and driving system.
KIM Co. is a professional manufacturer which is specialized in precision driving parts and driving system, and is reserved the latest technology and processing equipment. Since 1990 established, KIM Co. has continued to grow a world-class company by leap and develop precision motion control parts and driving device as like machinery industry core foundation. We regard this is our mission as continued investment and the development of new technology. KIM Co. is constantly challenging to stay ahead in the new environment of global competition and changing market.
Changwon, South Korea
KIM Co. is a professional manufacturer which is specialized in precision driving parts and driving system, and is reserved the latest technology and processing equipment. Since 1990 established, KIM Co. has continued to grow a world-class company by leap and develop precision motion control parts and driving device as like machinery industry core foundation. We regard this is our mission as continued investment and the development of new technology. KIM Co. is constantly challenging to stay ahead in the new environment of global competition and changing market.

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