Alexander Matlock
Alexander Matlock')>
Aerospace, Defense & Security, Food & Beverage, Healthcare, Mining, Oil · Gas · Energy
The Missouri International Trade and Investment Office is the lead agency for export assistance in the State of Missouri, with 14 foreign trade offices around the world. These offices also play a major role in foreign direct investment lead generation within their respective markets. The offices are located in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, and the U.S. (New York City).
Our mission is simple: Increase the number of Missouri companies exporting and increase the volume of Missouri exports.
Products and Services: Trade Counseling / Agent/Distributor Search / Business Protocol / Customized Market Research / Export Finance / International Trade Shows / Missouri Export Directory / Trade Leads / Certificate of Free Sale/Export Documentation.
Our mission is simple: Increase the number of Missouri companies exporting and increase the volume of Missouri exports.
Products and Services: Trade Counseling / Agent/Distributor Search / Business Protocol / Customized Market Research / Export Finance / International Trade Shows / Missouri Export Directory / Trade Leads / Certificate of Free Sale/Export Documentation.

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