Michael Schiffhauer
Vice President, International Trade & Field Operations
Michael Schiffhauer')>
FLORIDA, USA - A prime Global Business Destination - And make sure Florida is YOUR destination at Arab Health and stop by to meet our stellar group of Florida companies! Helping Florida companies access global markets, SelectFlorida maintains a network of 20 representative offices outside the United States. The main purpose of these offices is to assist companies from other countries interested in investing Florida, as well as to provide help to Florida companies to export to foreign markets. In addition to representing Florida abroad and helping Florida companies export to foreign markets, EFI’s representatives provide assistance to foreign companies interested in doing business and investing in Florida.
Products and Services: Trade Offices / Trade Grants / Certificates of Free Sale / Trade Reports / Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) / Investment Resources / Florida Company Directory / Small Business Support.
Products and Services: Trade Offices / Trade Grants / Certificates of Free Sale / Trade Reports / Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) / Investment Resources / Florida Company Directory / Small Business Support.
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