Shannon Sanders Swager
Director of Finance and Accounting
Shannon Sanders Swager')>
Founded by Frank and Ruth Sanders, Sanders Smoke Technologies has been building and selling self-contained smoke generators since 1973. Frank flew air shows across the coutnry in his British Hawker Sea Fury, however, he felt his show needed something more but didn’t want a smoke system that went through the engine. Thus, the idea for a self-contained system was born.
Today, the business is still family owned and operated. Dennis Sanders, son of Ruth and Frank, sits in the CEO position of the company. Shannon Sanders Swager, Granddaughter of Ruth and Frank, and Daughter of Dennis, is the Director of Finance and Accounting.
Today, the business is still family owned and operated. Dennis Sanders, son of Ruth and Frank, sits in the CEO position of the company. Shannon Sanders Swager, Granddaughter of Ruth and Frank, and Daughter of Dennis, is the Director of Finance and Accounting.

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