Dave Dayton
Vice President
Dave Dayton')>
Over 40 years experience Engineering, Applications Engineer and Business Development in the Aerospace and Defense Industry.
Aerospace, Defense & Security
Trans Pacific Technologies has been providing system integration for the Aerospace and Defense Industry for over 30 years. TPT KK located in Tokyo provided Value Added System Integration supporting a wide range of products and applications.
Trans Pacific Technologies は、30 年以上にわたり航空宇宙および防衛産業向けのシステム統合を提供してきました。東京に拠点を置く TPT 株式会社は、幅広い製品とアプリケーションをサポートする付加価値システム統合を提供してきました。
Areas of expertise include:
Rugged Servers, Data Storage, and Switches
Avionics Data Bus – AFDX, MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC429
NTDS (Naval Tactical Data System) and ATDS (Airborne Tactical Data System)
Single Board Computers (Intel, PPC and ARM)
Sensor I/O (A/D, D/A, Discrete I/O, Synchro/Resolver, LVDT/RVDT, RTD)
Power Supplies and UPS’s
Software Support - Libraries, Drivers, and Real-Time OS
System Integration
Trans Pacific Technologies は、30 年以上にわたり航空宇宙および防衛産業向けのシステム統合を提供してきました。東京に拠点を置く TPT 株式会社は、幅広い製品とアプリケーションをサポートする付加価値システム統合を提供してきました。
Areas of expertise include:
Rugged Servers, Data Storage, and Switches
Avionics Data Bus – AFDX, MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC429
NTDS (Naval Tactical Data System) and ATDS (Airborne Tactical Data System)
Single Board Computers (Intel, PPC and ARM)
Sensor I/O (A/D, D/A, Discrete I/O, Synchro/Resolver, LVDT/RVDT, RTD)
Power Supplies and UPS’s
Software Support - Libraries, Drivers, and Real-Time OS
System Integration

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