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Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) - ITTC
ITPS Canada
ITTC provides advanced military flight-training tailor-made for clients. The Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) program develops the student's flying ability, situational awareness, tactical ability and initiative in the most efficient and cost-effective way.
Advanced Aircraft Simulation Centre (AASC)
ITPS Canada
The International Tactical Training Centre (ITTC) is a unique resource providing bespoke training to military and aerospace customers around the world, a division of the International Test Pilots School (ITPS) in London, Canada. ITTC draws on over twenty years of experience providing advanced tactical training to over 25 air arms. F-18 domed simulators. The Advanced Aircraft Simulation Centre (AASC) is a unique facility established by ITTC to leverage advances in simulation to enhance the learning experience whilst driving down costs.
ITPS Canada Ltd. Corporate Video 2021
ITPS Canada
The International Test Pilots School is a leader in flight test training for test pilots and flight test engineers for over 25 air force clients around the world.
Master of Science in Flight Test Engineering (MS FTE) - ITPS
ITPS Canada
The Master of Science in Flight Test Engineering (MS FTE) is a post-secondary degree approved by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities in Ontario. ITPS is an accredited institution with a 35-year history in flight test academics.
Fighter Weapons Instructor Course (FWIC) - ITTC
ITPS Canada
The premiere tactical training course offered by ITTC is the Fighter Weapons Instructor Course. Modelled on the USAF FWIC 16-week intensive course capable of producing 8 weapons and tactics experts per course
Aerosystems Training
ITPS Canada
Our Aerosystems Flight Test courses are for test pilots, flight test engineers and aerosystems specialists. Various courses can qualify test crews to undertake the full spectrum of avionics, systems and weapons flight testing. Our courses have proven invaluable for members of flight test teams who are involved in procurement, service release trials, operational test and evaluation and production and development.
Comprehensive Fleet
ITPS Canada
The school has assembled a unique and diverse fleet of 20 aircraft and puts an emphasis on technology for the best learning experience for students.
Master of Science in Flight Testing (MS FT) - ITPS
ITPS Canada
The Master of Science in Flight Testing (MS FT) is a post-secondary degree approved by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities in Ontario aimed at students holding a science, technology or mathematics undergraduate degree. ITPS is an accredited institution with a 35-year history in flight test academics.
Flight Test & Training Consulting Services - ITPS
ITPS Canada
In addition to being a Transport Canada AWM.521-approved Flight Test Organisation, ITPS provides consulting services including Contracted Test Pilots, Flight Test Engineers and Analysts, Project Management, Flight Test Instrumentation, Test Plan and Reports preparation, as well as Technical and Safety Reviews.
Flight Test Training - International Test Pilots School (ITPS)
ITPS Canada
Industry-approved fixed and rotary wing training; Flexible and responsive programming taught by recognized experts and tailored to your needs and budget; and Access to a variety of training aircraft that are most relevant to a student's eventual employment. Look no further than ITPS in London, Canada.
2023 ITTC Brochure.

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