MSPO - Info for Visitors
Visitors must be over 18 years or older. single-entry ticket: 80 zł 4-day ticket: 200 zł military and other services and people with an invitation (after registration): free admission Price of parking ticket: 6.09.2022: 10.00-17.00 (visitors registration and ticket purchase 9.00-16.30) 7.09.2022: 10.00-17.00 (visitors registration and ticket purchase 9.00-16.30) 8.09.2022: 10.00-17.00 (visitors registration and ticket purchase 9.00-16.30) 9.09.2022: 10.00-15.00 (visitors registration and ticket purchase 9.00-14.00) How to reach us: For more detailed information, please call: During fair opening hours: Exhibitors Service Office, tel.: Contact for visitors, tel.
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Visitors must be over 18 years or older. single-entry ticket: 80 zł 4-day ticket: 200 zł military and other services and people with an invitation (after registration): free admission Price of parking ticket: 6.09.2022: 10.00-17.00 (visitors registration and ticket purchase 9.00-16.30) 7.09.2022: 10.00-17.00 (visitors registration and ticket purchase 9.00-16.30) 8.09.2022: 10.00-17.00 (visitors registration and ticket purchase 9.00-16.30) 9.09.2022: 10.00-15.00 (visitors registration and ticket purchase 9.00-14.00) How to reach us: For more detailed information, please call: During fair opening hours: Exhibitors Service Office, tel.: Contact for visitors, tel.

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