Programme Team for ECR 2023
Programme Planning Committee Postgraduate Educational Programme Subcommittee Scientific Programme Subcommittee Section Coordinators Scientific Subcommittee Chairpersons Postgraduate Educational Programme Subcommittee - Member Marion Smits is a professor and neuroradiologist at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. Professor Smits combines clinical work with scientific research into applied physiological MR neuroimaging, such as functional MRI, diffusion, and perfusion imaging.
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Programme Planning Committee Postgraduate Educational Programme Subcommittee Scientific Programme Subcommittee Section Coordinators Scientific Subcommittee Chairpersons Postgraduate Educational Programme Subcommittee - Member Marion Smits is a professor and neuroradiologist at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. Professor Smits combines clinical work with scientific research into applied physiological MR neuroimaging, such as functional MRI, diffusion, and perfusion imaging.

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