When initially poured, aluminum castings do not have their full potential material strength.
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When initially poured, aluminum castings do not have their full potential material strength. In order to drastically improve the material performance of cast aluminum, each casting must undergo a heat treat process. This process involves first homogenizing the molecular structure of the metal through a gradual heating cycle and then quickly quenching the material in a water bath. This process, in combination with artificial aging, ensures that each casting has uniform material properties that are reliable to the specific alloy/material performance requirements of our customers.
In order to ensure that we are able to continually provide our customers with quality castings, our heat treat department has been certified to Nadcap AS7102, and we have recently made a large capitol investment in new, state of the art, automated heat treat equipment.
In order to ensure that we are able to continually provide our customers with quality castings, our heat treat department has been certified to Nadcap AS7102, and we have recently made a large capitol investment in new, state of the art, automated heat treat equipment.

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