Made In America_Garrett Metal Detectors
For over 50 years, Garrett Metal Detectors has called Garland, Tx home, becoming part of the community.
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Garrett Metal Detectors
Garrett Metal Detectors are manufactured in Garland Texas. GSA Advantage Online Shopping links are provided to Garrett products, or call (972) 494-6151 Garrett Security Division for assistance.
Security Metal Detectors
Garrett Metal Detectors
Trust Garrett to handle any security application need... from special events to school campus safety to CSI evidence recovery. Garrett has an evidence recovery detector to handle almost any challenge. Locate crime scene evidence in challenging suburban areas, in the fields and forest, or even 200 feet underwater.
Garrett Metal Detectors
Landmines and ERW (Explosive Remnants of War): A Global Issue Addressed by World-Class Experts Metal Detection Expertise: Company founder Charles Garrett, a former U.S. Navy electrical engineer, has studied mine detection equipment since the 1940s. Garrett has worked with mil-spec requirements since helping to develop electronics for the U.S.

Aaron Arellano
Garrett Metal Detectors
Senior Product Manager

Angela Ringhausen
Garrett Metal Detectors
International Sales Coordinator

Filippo Fabbi
Garrett Metal Detectors
Senior Business Development Manager - Europe and Africa

Henry Tellez
Garrett Metal Detectors
Vice President / Director, International Sales and Marketing

Leonid Zelenkevich
Garrett Metal Detectors
Director, International Security Sales

Rob Hamilton
Garrett Metal Detectors
Senior Business Development Manager - Asia Pacific
For over 50 years, Garrett Metal Detectors has called Garland, Tx home, becoming part of the community.

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