The KRWS Breaching Rounds is a cast dense frangible breaching round with an energetic core that allows users to ballistically breach with smaller calibers, or improved performance over existing 12-gauge rounds.
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Anti-personnel Obstacle Breaching System
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defence Company
The Anti-personnel Obstacle Breaching System (APOBS) is an explosive line charge system designed to clear breaching lanes through complex antipersonnel obstacles (anti-personnel mines and wire obstacles) from a safe standoff position. This two man portable system is hand emplaced and enables dismounted soldiers to rapidly clear a footpath through anti-personnel obstacles. The user has a choice of two actuation modes, delay or command, to ignite the rocket motor that propels the line charge over the area to be breached. Front and rear fuzes sense the launch loads and initiate the fully deployed line charge after landing on the obstacles. Specially designed fragmentation grenades spaced out along the line charge neutralize anti-personnel landmines and sever high strength multi-strand wire. The system has been tested and certified to the Insensitive Munition (IM) safety and hazard standards defined in MIL-STD-2105. The lighter weight, faster deployment, obstacle standoff, and insensitive munition compliance of the APOBS system provide the solider an improved and safer alternative to the Bangalore Torpedo.
Satchel Charge
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defence Company
The MK179 MOD 0 (10 pound) and MK180 MOD 0 (5 pound) Satchel Charges offer very high level of blast overpressure and long impulse due to the EBAD-developed PAX-47 charge. PAX-47 is an HMX and aluminum-based cast-cure plastic bonded explosive (PBX) that is qualified to OES-DTL-0123.
The Satchel Charges are manufactured under controlled conditions, providing high consistency, quality, and reliability.
The Satchel Charges are manufactured under controlled conditions, providing high consistency, quality, and reliability.
MPLC® Tactical Line Charge
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defence Company
The MPLC® Tactical Line Charge, provides a precise, portable mine clearing weapon system at the small tactical unit level providing the ability to conduct clearing operations in urban and complex mined or trip-wired environments. Mobility and survivability are increased due to immediate precision fire from covered or concealed positions.

Glen Smith
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defence Company
Business Development Manager

Jeremy Stewart
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defence Company
Program Manager

Kevin Miller
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defence Company
Market Segment Director

Meghan Rigney
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defence Company
Marketing Specialist

Nick Brix
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defence Company
Program Manager

Ryan Goodine
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defence Company
Program Manager

Sam Turbarg
Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defence Company
Business Development Manager
The KRWS 9mm Breaching Round provides you the effects of a standard 12-gauge breaching round with the benefit of increased magazine capacity, weight savings of a pistol, and eliminates the need for a dedicated breaching weapon. The KRWS 12-gauge Breaching Round is a frangible breaching round with an energetic fill to provide the end user with 2 to 3 times the effects of a standard 12-gauge breaching round in the same package.

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