Cable Assembly
This product is designed and manufactured specific for customers’ demand and includes the power supply and signal transmission parts of weapon systems in all fields of the Korean army, navy, and air force, as well as for the civilian field. As all parts are localized and assembled into finished products, they are ensured of best performance and reliable quality.
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Qualified Product List
Yeonhab Precision
QPL certification is a system in which the US government guarantees the quality only for products that have passed strict local company inspections made of 150 tests and verifications under the supervision of the US government. Yeonhab Precision obtained the certification in Asia for the first time after 10 years of application. In particular, with the successful QPL registration for the first time in Asia, Yeonhab Precision is the first and only company in Asia which got the qualification of marking “MS” with the title of “Korea’s first MIL-DTL connector”. We will provide customers with the best products as we have the sense of the pride of developing the QPL certified connector with our own technology in Korea.
Optical Fiber Cable Assembly
Yeonhab Precision
This is a contact-type and non-contact optical cable assembly for high-speed transmission of large-capacity signals such as video signals. It is a cable assembly for optical signal transmission in compliance with MIL standards by utilizing a contact/non-contact connector developed by Yeonhab Precision.
This product is designed and manufactured specific for customers’ demand and includes the power supply and signal transmission parts of weapon systems in all fields of the Korean army, navy, and air force, as well as for the civilian field. As all parts are localized and assembled into finished products, they are ensured of best performance and reliable quality.

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