Total Aircraft Support
Derco, A Lockheed Martin Company, has been providing full military and commercial logistics support since 1979. The organization was founded on industry-leading customer service, quality OEM products, and innovative services for aircraft operators worldwide.

Marianne Gerasimovova
Derco, A Lockheed Martin Company

Mark Konzal
Derco, A Lockheed Martin Company

Megan Lisowski
Derco, A Lockheed Martin Company
Sr. Communications Specialist

Nicholle Harlfinger
Derco, A Lockheed Martin Company
Director of Marketing & Communications

Todd Morar
Derco, A Lockheed Martin Company
Derco, A Lockheed Martin Company, has been providing full military and commercial logistics support since 1979. The organization was founded on industry-leading customer service, quality OEM products, and innovative services for aircraft operators worldwide. Today, Derco continues to build on its reputation as a global leader in military and commercial aircraft support. To help sustain worldwide fleets, Derco offers an industry leading suite of fleet management solutions, including Spares Distribution, Logistics Solutions, Repair and Overhaul Services, and Technical Solutions.

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