The one-of-its-kind Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) handles 13% of the United States foreign oil and connects by pipeline to 50% of the nation’s refining capability.
The one-of-its-kind Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) handles 13% of the United States foreign oil and connects by pipeline to 50% of the nation’s refining capability.
Louisiana is strategically located on the Gulf of Mexico, providing easy access to major shipping lanes and quick and efficient product transport to domestic and international ports.
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Louisiana Aerospace Industry
Louisiana Economic Development
Louisiana's established advanced manufacturing sector provides unparalleled advantages for aerospace operations. Nationally recognized for its manufacturing talent, the state is making additional strategic investments in higher education programs to enhance skills and expertise. The state offers unparalleled infrastructure and logistics, an abundance of sites and expedited permitting.
Louisiana Aviation and Aerospace
Louisiana Economic Development
Louisiana offers competitive advantages that help aerospace businesses thrive. With NASA, we are developing a 'Louisiana Space Campus' to support prime R&D and corporate facilities for the aerospace and engineering companies that are building the rockets and crew capsules for the next missions to the moon and Mars.

Chelsea Dufrene
Louisiana Economic Development
Executive Director, LED FastStart

Mark Lorando
Louisiana Economic Development

Marlene Janetos
Louisiana Economic Development
Director of Engagement

Paige Carter
Louisiana Economic Development
Chief Business Development Officer

Rachel Shields
Louisiana Economic Development
Chief Engagement Officer

Shawn Welcome
Louisiana Economic Development
Director of Business Development

Susan Bourgeois
Louisiana Economic Development
Louisiana is home to numerous global companies with operations in the Gulf, one of the most productive oil and gas basins in the world. Offshore activity includes drilling, production and transportation of oil and gas.
The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port is the only deepwater oil port in the nation, providing tanker offloading at a rate of 100,000 barrels of crude oil per hour. It is the largest point of entry for U.S. waterborne crude oil. Onshore, LOOP facilities include the Clovelly Dome Storage Terminal where nearly 60 million barrels of crude oil can be stored in eight underground salt caverns and 12 million barrels can be stored above ground.
Louisiana is home to two of the four storage sites that make up the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which is capable of holding an emergency stockpile of up to 714 million barrels of crude oil.
The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port is the only deepwater oil port in the nation, providing tanker offloading at a rate of 100,000 barrels of crude oil per hour. It is the largest point of entry for U.S. waterborne crude oil. Onshore, LOOP facilities include the Clovelly Dome Storage Terminal where nearly 60 million barrels of crude oil can be stored in eight underground salt caverns and 12 million barrels can be stored above ground.
Louisiana is home to two of the four storage sites that make up the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which is capable of holding an emergency stockpile of up to 714 million barrels of crude oil.

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