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PT Dirgantara Indonesia
CN235 offers a wide range of advantages, such as: equipped with a new generation full glass cockpit from Genesys, multi purpose & quick change configuration for up to 5 configurations (Troops/Paratroops, VIP/VVIP, Medical and Evacuation, Cargo, Civil, and Special Mission configuration) in one aircraft with approximately 1h 30minutes time of change between one configuration to another, multi hop capability, high reliability and easy for maintenance, and also short take-off and landing operations for 900 to 1,000 meters of runway. To date, 70 out of 285 units of CN235 are produced by PTDI for 12 customers all around the world.
PT Dirgantara Indonesia
N219 is an aircraft that is proudly made by Indonesian Engineers and has successfully gained the Type Certificate from Indonesian Local Authority in 2020.
N219 is an aircraft that is specifically designed to open up remote and rural areas, as well as to increase the connectivity between cities that will certainly help to improve people economy growth, and maintain defense and security in border areas.
It is a new generation multi-purpose aircraft with a spacious cabin and advanced features. It can carry 19 passengers, using a proven and high population of engine from Pratt & Whitney PT6-42A, equipped with fixed landing gear to perform best in unpaved runway, and wide side door for 1,5 meters of height and 1,45 meters of wide for easy loading and unloading for cargo configuration. It can perform short take-offs and landings on unpaved runways under 800 meters.
N219 is an aircraft that is specifically designed to open up remote and rural areas, as well as to increase the connectivity between cities that will certainly help to improve people economy growth, and maintain defense and security in border areas.
It is a new generation multi-purpose aircraft with a spacious cabin and advanced features. It can carry 19 passengers, using a proven and high population of engine from Pratt & Whitney PT6-42A, equipped with fixed landing gear to perform best in unpaved runway, and wide side door for 1,5 meters of height and 1,45 meters of wide for easy loading and unloading for cargo configuration. It can perform short take-offs and landings on unpaved runways under 800 meters.
NC212i is the latest version of NC212 series that has been equipped with a full glass cockpit and autopilot systems and can be carried up to 23 troops and 28 pax. This aircraft has the biggest payload for the maximum 3 tons, compared to the competitors in the same class which can only offer for less that 3 tons of payload. It equipped with new-generation Avionic Systems from Universal and autopilot from Genesys, a spacious cabin with the largest volume and cross-section for 2,1 meters of wide and 1,8 meters of height, and the ability to take off and land on unpaved runways with 800 meters of runway.
NC212i is a product with a great demand, it provides high performance and versatility with proven experience in the various mission configurations such as Troops/Paratroops, Medical Evacuation, Cargo, Civil, and Special Mission (Rain Making) configuration.
NC212i stands out due to its simple design, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness throughout its life cycle in 25 to 30 years.
NC212i is a product with a great demand, it provides high performance and versatility with proven experience in the various mission configurations such as Troops/Paratroops, Medical Evacuation, Cargo, Civil, and Special Mission (Rain Making) configuration.
NC212i stands out due to its simple design, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness throughout its life cycle in 25 to 30 years.

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