Multimodal Input Surveillance & Tracking (MIST)
Detection, Identification & Tracking Objects of Interest in Real Time
During this data generation process, MIST’s AI generates manageable volumes of metadata to transmit
On-the-Edge Computing, with Offline Capabilities
All processing is done onboard during the mission without any reliance on external servers.
Sensor Fusion, Platform and Sensor Agnostic
Fuse all metadata from all sensors, seamlessly adapting to various computing boards & sensor system.
Deployable anywhere. Works with many user interfaces including ATAK, ArcGIS, AIMS-ISR & more.
Multimodal Input Surveillance & Tracking (MIST)
TerraSense MIST® (Multimodal Input Surveillance & Targeting) software is an intelligent automatic target detection software built to accelerate the ISR cycle using deep learning AI to detect, recognize, localize and track targets in real time. MIST software is designed to be placed on low-SWAP hardware at the edge using COTS mission computer hardware.
Compatible with all commercially available STANAG 4609 compliant EO/IR gimbals and STANAG 4607 GMTI/SAR Radars, TerraSense MIST® is designed for rapid integration with existing airborne ISR platforms and is deployed with high-performance deep learning AI models to detect, recognize, and identify a broad range of military and civilian pattern vehicles in SAR/GMTI, electro-optical and infrared video, day and night.
Video & Radar Data Format :
STANAG 4609 / MISB-0601 in H.264 or H.265 & STANAG 4607
Multi-Sensor Fusion :
EO and IR (MWIR or LWIR) can be ingested simultaneously for enhanced performance
Sensor / Data Interface :
AI Target Classification :
Deploys ready to detect & recognize broad range of target classes: civilian, military & even custom
Data Output Format :
MIL-STD-6090 Cursor on Target (CoT) / Data Distribution Service
Multi-Target Tracking :
Image-based and geospatially explicit multi-target tracking & track fusion, course & speed estimates
Hardware Requirements :
NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX (25 Watts)
Engineering Support :
Available integration support for airborne, ground-based hardware, sensor system & more.
TerraSense MIST® (Multimodal Input Surveillance & Targeting) software is an intelligent automatic target detection software built to accelerate the ISR cycle using deep learning AI to detect, recognize, localize and track targets in real time. MIST software is designed to be placed on low-SWAP hardware at the edge using COTS mission computer hardware.
Compatible with all commercially available STANAG 4609 compliant EO/IR gimbals and STANAG 4607 GMTI/SAR Radars, TerraSense MIST® is designed for rapid integration with existing airborne ISR platforms and is deployed with high-performance deep learning AI models to detect, recognize, and identify a broad range of military and civilian pattern vehicles in SAR/GMTI, electro-optical and infrared video, day and night.
Rapid Integration & Reduced NRE:
Compatibility with a range of commercially available computer hardware designed for mission critical applications in harsh environments means TerraSense MIST® software can be deployed on the ground or aboard the aircraft platform with reduced integration and airworthiness costs.
Sensor-agnostic EO and IR video ingestion means TerraSense MIST® can be rapidly integrated with any existing STANAG 4609 compliant EO/IR sensor system and STANAG 4607 GMTI/SAR radars.
Not Just Another Bounding Box Solution:
Geospatially explicit targets can be plotted as MIL-STD 2525/APP-6 icons on a moving map, working with existing operator workflows and reducing operator training time. TerraSense MIST® integrates readily with existing mission management systems via Cursor on Target messages, Data Distribution Service, or a custom API available on request.
Compatible with all commercially available STANAG 4609 compliant EO/IR gimbals and STANAG 4607 GMTI/SAR Radars, TerraSense MIST® is designed for rapid integration with existing airborne ISR platforms and is deployed with high-performance deep learning AI models to detect, recognize, and identify a broad range of military and civilian pattern vehicles in SAR/GMTI, electro-optical and infrared video, day and night.
Rapid Integration & Reduced NRE:
Compatibility with a range of commercially available computer hardware designed for mission critical applications in harsh environments means TerraSense MIST® software can be deployed on the ground or aboard the aircraft platform with reduced integration and airworthiness costs.
Sensor-agnostic EO and IR video ingestion means TerraSense MIST® can be rapidly integrated with any existing STANAG 4609 compliant EO/IR sensor system and STANAG 4607 GMTI/SAR radars.
Not Just Another Bounding Box Solution:
Geospatially explicit targets can be plotted as MIL-STD 2525/APP-6 icons on a moving map, working with existing operator workflows and reducing operator training time. TerraSense MIST® integrates readily with existing mission management systems via Cursor on Target messages, Data Distribution Service, or a custom API available on request.

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