Designed to carry 10 personnel, with excellent maneuverability and
protection according to standard, STANAG 4569 LEVEL 2
Cal 7,62 x 39 mm NATO Ball and also can be equipped with multi Weapon system such as RCWS 20mm and gun shot detection system.
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PT.Sentra Surya Ekajaya
P6 ATAV it’s a 4x4 military vehicle designed for high-performance mobility and agility on the battlefield. designed and produced by PT. Sentra Surya Ekajaya (SSE), a private defense Company , located at Indonesia.
ATAV itself is stand for All Terrain Assault Vehicle which is the main capability of the vehicle that able to move agilely in various terrains. Using Armour Ballistic Protection STANAG 4569 LVL 1 for the Body and glass, P6 ATAV is enable to be equipped with high technology weapon system such as Remote control weapon station with calibers 7.62 and 12.7 mm, Gunshot detection systems and Anti tank guided missile (ATGM).
ATAV itself is stand for All Terrain Assault Vehicle which is the main capability of the vehicle that able to move agilely in various terrains. Using Armour Ballistic Protection STANAG 4569 LVL 1 for the Body and glass, P6 ATAV is enable to be equipped with high technology weapon system such as Remote control weapon station with calibers 7.62 and 12.7 mm, Gunshot detection systems and Anti tank guided missile (ATGM).
PT.Sentra Surya Ekajaya
Super manueverability Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle, equipped
with Mulitple Launch Rocket System and various optronic for recon
mission. Can be transported inside Hercules C 130. P2 KM is using Ballistic protection with STANAG 4569 Level 1 up to Level 2.
with Mulitple Launch Rocket System and various optronic for recon
mission. Can be transported inside Hercules C 130. P2 KM is using Ballistic protection with STANAG 4569 Level 1 up to Level 2.
Designed to carry 10 personnel, with excellent maneuverability and
protection according to standard, STANAG 4569 LEVEL 2
Cal 7,62 x 39 mm NATO Ball and also can be equipped with multi Weapon system such as RCWS 20mm and gun shot detection system.
protection according to standard, STANAG 4569 LEVEL 2
Cal 7,62 x 39 mm NATO Ball and also can be equipped with multi Weapon system such as RCWS 20mm and gun shot detection system.

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