Multiple Transwing Soar from Deck of USS Curtis Wilbur During RIMPAC 2024
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The highly efficient Transwing design is unlike any other VTOL system. It performs like a great fixed-wing aircraft with superb VTOL capabilities.Transwing aircraft unfold their wings to transition smoothly and quickly between vertical and horizontal flight. The astounding elegant simplicity and energy efficiency deliver key performance advantages.
-Superior range and endurance
-Faster cruise speeds and climb performance
-Outstanding VTOL stability and gust tolerance
-Autonomous operations
-Smaller operational ground footprint
-Optimized for Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability
-Superior range and endurance
-Faster cruise speeds and climb performance
-Outstanding VTOL stability and gust tolerance
-Autonomous operations
-Smaller operational ground footprint
-Optimized for Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability
VIDEO: What Makes PteroDynamics and the Transwing So Unique
Video Explaining who PteroDynamics is and why the Transwing is a one-of-a-kind autonomous VTOL UAS that performs like no other VTOL design.
PteroDynamics demonstrated the operational capabilities of its autonomous Transwing® VTOL UAS during Trident Warrior 2024, the Fleet experimentation arm of the 29th biennial Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) Exercise. Multiple Transwing aircraft simulated long-range ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore logistics and critical maritime resupply missions from the deck of the U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur (DDG 54) while the ship was underway. Three Transwing VTOL UAS conducted 12 autonomous flights carrying payloads up to 15 pounds with relative winds exceeding 20 knots during takeoff and landing. PteroDynamics conducted simultaneous operations of two Transwing UAS by a single operator. The flights demonstrated the unique capabilities of Transwing aircraft and the integration of UAS operations into the fleet for autonomous maritime logistics missions.
“This is the first time PteroDynamics had the opportunity to operate in these real-world conditions, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. We demonstrated that the aircraft’s transition between VTOL and conventional cruise flight is unmatched in speed of execution, control, and diversity of inbound and outbound profiles, putting the Transwing in a class of its own," said Tim WHitehand, PteroDynamics' vice president of engineering.
“This is the first time PteroDynamics had the opportunity to operate in these real-world conditions, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. We demonstrated that the aircraft’s transition between VTOL and conventional cruise flight is unmatched in speed of execution, control, and diversity of inbound and outbound profiles, putting the Transwing in a class of its own," said Tim WHitehand, PteroDynamics' vice president of engineering.

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