Helicopter Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Services
Scheduled and Unscheduled Maintenance
Repair and Overhauls
Technical Consultancy
Helicopter Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Services
Black Diamond Heliaero (BDH) is an Approved Maintenance Organization and Approved Maintenance Repairs Station
Our curent capabilities :
Bell 212, Bell 412, Bell 505, EC 130 B4, AW 119
More Products & Services
BDH is specializing and focusing in the maintenance and repair of helicopters.
We currently have capabilities in types of helicopters Bell 412, Bell 505, Bell 212, A119/AW119, EC130B4 and Boeing 737-800.
We currently have capabilities in types of helicopters Bell 412, Bell 505, Bell 212, A119/AW119, EC130B4 and Boeing 737-800.

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