MC-208 Guardian - Sizzle Reel | MAG Aerospace
The reliable Cessna platform allows for a uniquely versatile special mission aircraft. The MC-208 Guardian can move seamlessly from ISR to CASEVAC/MEDEVAC to...
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MAG Aerospace
MAG Aerospace is an industry leader in providing and enabling real-time situational awareness to help our customers make the world smaller and safer. MAG's t...
Manned ISR Operations | Federal | MAG Aerospace
MAG Aerospace
MAG operates, deploys, and maintains manned aircraft that provide ISR capabilities while collecting, processing, disseminating, storing, and maintaining High-Resolution data for federal customers.
MAG Aerospace
MAG Aerospace
The reliable Cessna platform allows for a uniquely versatile special mission aircraft. The MC-208 Guardian can move seamlessly from ISR to CASEVAC/MEDEVAC to...

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