Noisefighters PanoBridge | PRG Defense
Noisefighters and its development partner Nightline, Inc. introduces Panobridge, a 1.5 oz night vision bridge mount with industry-changing adjustable field of view capability. Users can selectively adjust the goggle's field of view from 40 to approximately 75 degrees by laterally rotating (or "panning") each individual monocular outward, creating a panoramic image.
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POTOMAC RIVER GROUP | PRG Defense | Night Vision
Potomac River Group
Potomac River Group | DBA PRG Defense | Night vision, Thermal, Tactical Equipment | Government Contracting | Border Security Training | Technical Surveilance Counter Measures | Polygraphs
Training & Support Services | POTOMAC RIVER GROUP LLC
Potomac River Group
PRG currently delivers: Personnel security and Polygraph Examination services to two agencies of the Department of Defense. Pre-deployment firearms training for the Department of Defense. Asset forfeiture risk management services to the Treasury Executive Office of Asset Forfeiture (TEOAF). Law enforcement and border security training development and training delivery for two bureaus of the State Department.
Government | PRG Defense
Potomac River Group
US DOD, Federal, State and Local govenrment specific information.
PRG Defense Thermal Scenes, Product Line, and More!
Potomac River Group
Who's ready for more product?!Take a look at our product line as well as some thermal scene recaps.Stay tuned for more live footage, product overviews, and b...
Noisefighters and its development partner Nightline, Inc. introduces Panobridge, a 1.5 oz night vision bridge mount with industry-changing adjustable field of view capability. Users can selectively adjust the goggle's field of view from 40 to approximately 75 degrees by laterally rotating (or "panning") each individual monocular outward, creating a panoramic image.

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