Industrial Machine Tool | Services
Industrial Machine Tool maintains what may be the most extensive machine tool user database anywhere. We maintain over 140,000 up-to-date individual contacts worldwide. With precision, we can target the country, the industry, and the individual that will pay the most for your equipment.
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Industrial Machine Tools
If you are selling one machine or an entire plant see our section on services and see why The Boeing Company chose Industrial Machine Tool, Inc. Over the years we have been privileged to provide our services to many large corporations including Boeing, GE, Siemens, Ford, Rockwell, Rolls Royce, and Caterpillar; and we will work just as hard to satisfy any small shop or start up.
IMT Flyer 2024 JIAE
Industrial Machine Tools
Sample of our current inventory.
IMT Flyer 6 13 19 v2
Industrial Machine Tools
Industrial Machine Tool maintains what may be the most extensive machine tool user database anywhere. We maintain over 140,000 up-to-date individual contacts worldwide. With precision, we can target the country, the industry, and the individual that will pay the most for your equipment.

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