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Products & Services
IoT Products for Healthcare
Borda Technology
Real-Life Hospital Implementation (Asset Management, Asset Utilization, Asset Safety, Patient Throughput Management, Infant Safety, Staff Safety, Work Demand Management,etc)
Facility Management Products
Borda Technology
Environmental Monitoring, Location Aware Work Demand Management
Staff Management Products
Borda Technology
Staff Safety, Staff Utilization
Patient Management ProductsSolutions
Borda Technology
Patient Throughput Management, Patient Safety,Infant Safety
Asset Management Products
Borda Technology
Asset Management, Asset Utilization, Asset Safety
Borda, a pioneer in IoT (Internet of Things) for Healthcare and Texi, the leading textile logistics solution partner in Scandinavia, unified forces to change hospital operations for good! BordaTex is the result of their combined vision to make hospital operations safer and more efficient.
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