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Arizona Commerce Authority is the State of Arizona’s economic development entity. Home a vast portfolio of mining and aerospace and defense companies, Arizona is the ideal place to locate your company’s expansion facility.
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Aerospace, Defense & Security, Oil · Gas · Energy, Mining
Products & Services
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Products & Services
Aerospace and Defense Supply Chain Database
Arizona Commerce Authority
The Arizona Aerospace & Defense Supply Chain Directory is a comprehensive, interactive database designed to connect A&D companies with Arizona-based suppliers. The database includes detailed profiles of more than 1,250 companies with a presence in Arizona, and allows users to search by industry, size, certifications and products and services offered.
International Trade
Arizona Commerce Authority
The Arizona Commerce Authority's International Trade Program offers Arizona-based companies valuable export services to amplify their trade opportunities in international markets. Services include assistance and trade counseling, getting started, contact facilitation, company background, export leads, educational programs, and more.
Start Up
Arizona Commerce Authority
The SBIR Training Program prepares business owners to write compelling SBIR/STTR grant applications with state-of-the-art proposal development workshops, structured mentoring, and follow-up guidance from proven business experts. SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) and STTR (Small Business Technology Transfer) are highly competitive awards-based programs that finance small businesses hoping to commercialize their technology innovations.
Gulfstream Aerospace Announces Aircraft Service Facility In Mesa
The sustainable Customer Support Service Center at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport will create hundreds of jobs MESA, AZ (November 9, 2021) - Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. announced today it will build a new aircraft service center in Mesa. Gulfstream's first facility in Arizona will expand the company's maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) capabilities in the region, creating hundreds of jobs.
06 Feb 2022
Arizona Aerospace & Defense
Gulfstream Aerospace Announces Aircraft Service Facility In Mesa November 09, 2021 MESA, AZ - Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. announced today it will build a new aircraft service center in Mesa. Gulfstream's first facility in Arizona will expand the company's maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) capabilities in the region, creating hundreds of jobs.
07 Feb 2022
Other Info
Aerospace and Defense. Pioneered in Arizona.
Arizona Commerce Authority
Aerospace & defense leaders find the ideal atmosphere in Arizona to develop advanced solutions with access to strategic military partnerships, top talent and...
Who We Are - About The Arizona Commerce Authority
Arizona Commerce Authority
The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is the state's leading economic development organization with a streamlined mission to grow and strengthen Arizona's economy. The ACA uses a three-pronged approach to advance the overall economy: recruit, grow, create - recruit out-of-state companies to expand their operations in Arizona; work with existing companies to grow their business in Arizona and beyond; and partner with entrepreneurs and companies large and small to create new jobs and businesses in targeted industries.
Arizona Commerce Authority
AvAir is exhibiting at Singapore Airshow 2022 with the State of Arizona. Stop by our booth!
2021 In Review: A Year of Record Economic Wins
Arizona Commerce Authority
For Arizona's economy, 2021 was a year of record. Record projected new jobs announced. Record projected investment from businesses. Record venture funding re...
RECORD-BREAKING YEAR: Arizona's economic development set records for jobs and investment in FY 2021
Arizona Commerce Authority
Arizona's economic development set records for jobs and investment in fiscal year 2021. The ACA worked with companies that committed to creating a projected ...
Manufacturing Month 2021
Arizona Commerce Authority
Arizona has experienced tremendous manufacturing growth this year. On this #MFGDay21 we're celebrating the innovative, advanced manufacturers throughout Ari...
Aerospace and Defense. Pioneered in Arizona.
Arizona Commerce Authority
Aerospace & defense leaders find the ideal atmosphere in Arizona to develop advanced solutions with access to strategic military partnerships, top talent and...
Top Talent - Available Skilled Labor Workforce In AZ | Arizona Commerce Authority
Arizona Commerce Authority
Poised and ready to meet your project needs, the state's available workforce is skilled, abundant, talented, and young. While the national average age is 37.2, Arizona's is 36.0. The population is plentiful, with more than two million workers living in the greater Phoenix area and an additional 450,000 in the Tucson metropolitan area.
Who We Are - About The Arizona Commerce Authority
Arizona Commerce Authority
The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is the state's leading economic development organization with a streamlined mission to grow and strengthen Arizona's economy. The ACA uses a three-pronged approach to advance the overall economy: recruit, grow, create - recruit out-of-state companies to expand their operations in Arizona; work with existing companies to grow their business in Arizona and beyond; and partner with entrepreneurs and companies large and small to create new jobs and businesses in targeted industries.
About The Arizona Commerce Authority
Arizona Commerce Authority
The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is the state's leading economic development organization with a streamlined mission to grow and strengthen Arizona's economy. The ACA uses a three-pronged approach to advance the overall economy: recruit, grow, create - recruit out-of-state companies to expand their operations in Arizona; work with existing companies to grow their business in Arizona and beyond; and partner with entrepreneurs and companies large and small to create new jobs and businesses in targeted industries.
Connect with us at
Arizona Commerce Authority is the State of Arizona’s economic development entity. Home a vast portfolio of mining and aerospace and defense companies, Arizona is the ideal place to locate your company’s expansion facility.
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