Matus Knoblich
Matus Knoblich')>
Matus Knoblich is the CEO of Glo-Med Networks Inc. He has a global perspective across various and differentiated industries/sectors, with a primary focus on healthcare going back over 20 years. Having conducted business all over the world along with expat experiences, he is currently the CEO of multiple healthcare focused businesses in medical device servicing, sales, distribution, warehousing and logistics. Understanding ever changing business climates, Matus has expanded his business portfolio across multiple healthcare sectors, vertically integrating and expanding to mitigate risk. He is also an active investor in multiple medical technology startups throughout the world, bringing innovative and next generation ideas and products from early conceptual phases all the way through R&D into commercialization and distribution. Matus has put a heavy emphasis on personalized customer service, driving sharing of industry knowledge and advancement through proper networking and communication across various healthcare platforms and networks.
Pinellas Park, United States
Glo-Med Networks Inc. was created in 2016 to meet the continuously growing demand for next generation medical devices and related products in domestic and international markets. Matus Knoblich founded the business to complement the organization’s medical business portfolio. By making strategic investments in novel and industry changing medical technology, Glo-Med has been able to bring the future of innovation to the present day.
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