Aero Turbine, Inc. offers a unique combination of turbine engine services, capabilities and quality, that has made us a trusted partner of military and commercial clients around the globe. Our state-of-the-art facilities are easily accessible and equipped for heavy engine maintenance. We support more than a score of engines, many of them vintage turbine models few other FAA approved Repair Stations are authorized to service. Moreover, no other engine service provider has the experience and knowledge of these engines equaled to our team of engineering and technical specialists.
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Aero Turbine Inc.
Keeping Customers Flying with Parts and Logistics Solutions Aero Turbine, Inc. maintains a large inventory of parts, components and accessories for a wide range of turbine engines. Our extensive stock, fast response, and ability to expedite shipments has made us the parts supplier of choice for customers far beyond the military forces and commercial operators we support with our overhaul and repair services.
Aero Turbine Inc.
A/M37T-20C Outdoor Test Cell Digital Instrumentation Universal application with Thrust Bed or Overhead Frame Operation Currently set-up to test J85-5, J85-13, J85-17 and J85-21 U.S. Air Force approved Adaptable to many other engine models to include J69, J79 and CAN15
Aero Turbine Inc.
Leveraging Unmatched Experience in Engine Accessories Aero Turbine, Inc. 's overhaul and repair capabilities cover a wide range of turbine engine accessories, including those installed on most of the over 20 turbine power plants we are authorized to service. The Accessory Shop in our 41,000 sq. ft.
Aero Turbine Inc.
The Standard for Turbine Engine Component Services Our authorizations, tools and equipment enable us to provide turnkey service on compressors, shafts, nozzles, burners, and all other components for more than 20 turbine engine models. We also provide NDT (non-destructive testing) for components and ancillary services including compressor and turbine balancing, hot zone and core inspections.
Legacy Turbine Services | AeroTurbine, Inc.
Aero Turbine Inc.
The vintage power plants we service include the GE J85, one of the longest serving military turbines, the widely used J79, the pioneering Allison J33, and the Pratt & Whitney J75, which has proudly powered aircraft from the F-105 Thunderchief to the U-2.
Aero Turbine Inc.
Aero Turbine, Inc. offers complete overhaul, repair and testing capabilities for more than 20 turbine engine models and their accessories. These include powerplants from GE, Honeywell, Pratt & Whitney, Allison, Teledyne Continental, Turbomeca, &Orenda. Our FAA authorized Part 145 Repair Station
Aero Turbine, Inc. offers a unique combination of turbine engine services, capabilities and quality, that has made us a trusted partner of military and commercial clients around the globe. Our state-of-the-art facilities are easily accessible and equipped for heavy engine maintenance. We support more than a score of engines, many of them vintage turbine models few other FAA approved Repair Stations are authorized to service. Moreover, no other engine service provider has the experience and knowledge of these engines equaled to our team of engineering and technical specialists.
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